Let Your Customers Show You Love with these 3 Review Tips

During a month where we’re all trying to show some extra admiration to those we care about, the Stellar Title team thought it would be a good idea to put the importance of customer reviews in the spotlight.

Studies show that both buyers and sellers would overwhelmingly use their agent again or recommend their services to others. Are you capturing that heartfelt sentiment to the fullest by asking for a customer testimonial through an online review? If not, here are a few ways to do just that.  

Start asking for them. This may seem obvious, but it’s also a needed first step you have to take to up your review game. The best time to ask for some kind words is when your client feels positive about your work – hopefully when you’ve agreed to an offer, on Closing Day or at least in a quick follow-up a few days after all the work is done. 

Provide excellent service. Another one that seems obvious but is important. If you provide your clients with a memorable experience, they’ll want to be your best cheerleaders and strongest advocates.

Keep in touch with your past clients. Even after the transaction is complete, staying in touch with your past clients is a great way to get reviews (and referrals) in the future. We often say that buying or selling a home is a lifelong memory. Your previous clients will gladly give you a glowing recommendation if it is a good one. 

Did you appreciate this message as much as you love working with the Stellar Title team? Please give us a review on the Stellar Title Facebook page. (Crosses Step 1 off our list.) We can’t wait to work with you again soon!