Category Archives: Real Estate

3 Things for First Time Homebuyers to Know This Season

Despite the challenges and uncertainty in real estate right now, one demographic seems to be bouncing [...]

5 Ways Your Real Estate Agent is Like a Mother

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to celebrate the extraordinary women in [...]

3 ways we can help solve our clients’ pain points

Let’s talk about pain points in the real estate transaction. We all aim to be [...]

3 things to know about the market right now

For a myriad of reasons, the market fluctuations of the last couple of years mean [...]

3 ways to make your extra day this month special

How often do you say to yourself, “If I only had an extra day to [...]

Let Your Customers Show You Love with these 3 Review Tips

During a month where we’re all trying to show some extra admiration to those we [...]

Contract to Close Infographic Available

This visual guide is an accessible and user-friendly resource about the home buying process from [...]

4 Ideas for “Spreading the Love” during Open Houses in February

As Valentine’s Day approaches, real estate agents are finding creative ways to infuse a touch [...]

Fake Sellers continue to plague the real estate world this year

It may be a new year, but now is a good time as any to [...]

National Home Warranty Day

Did you know that February 10th is National Home Warranty Day? It’s the perfect occasion [...]